Category: Live with Us

Shake, Rattle, and Cure!

April is Parkinson’s Awareness Month. When I was diagnosed with PD 5 years ago I was determined I would see a cure within 10 years. Half way there. Like so many things we need to kick its ass! My challenge to you for this “Blue Ribbon” month is to enjoy a chocolate (or whatever flavor makes you crazy) shake. The whatever… Read more →

Dancing with Parkinson’s

“He’s determined, KC.” “What’s determined, mommy?” “It’s when you do something no matter what.” “Daddy, are you intermed?” He cracks a smile. “Yes KC, he’s determined, and that’s why we love him so much.”   Life was much different for the first few years after @lifeaseric’s diagnosis. He went through his own battles as I’m sure most people diagnosed with… Read more →

No Mom is perfect

At a recent “Build Your Blog Conference” I attended, I met a lot of businesses that were looking to work with bloggers. Since I didn’t yet have a blog, I felt a little out of place like I had nothing these businesses wanted. So naturally, I enjoyed the “blogger/business speed dating” portion of the conference merely as a mom who… Read more →

Stranger in Our Home

Young Onset Parkinson’s Disease became a personal and family challenge in 2008.  It’s like coming home from a great day and finding an unwelcome stranger in your home except you can’t throw him out…no matter how much he repulses you.  So you embrace him, try to control him and make him part of your life as much as possible.  Just when… Read more →

Fickle Fones.

Full disclosure:  We are Apple fans.  I stood in line for over three hours to purchase my and THE first iPhone while typing on my Blackberry.  We have iMacs at our business as well as our home.  Our older kids all carry iPhones and our four year old has literally grown up with an iPad in her hands (the addiction of which we… Read more →

Big Island. small wedding.

“We’re going there” he said nonchalantly as our Apple tv scrolled through a picturesque beach front cottage on the Big Island of Hawaii. I nodded my head in approval, not yet processing what he was actually saying. “Wait…what? Not Washington DC?” As though he had planned my delayed reaction himself, he smirked and added, “Yes, but there’s one thing you… Read more →

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